Mr. Knightowl (CD Armed and Dangerous) UBK-9926
Mr. Knightowl (CD Vol#1 King of the West) ARIES-44432
Mr. Capone-E (CD Blue Album) PMC-72149
Mr. Capone-E (CD A Soldier's Story) HIPO-0720
Mr. Capone-E (2CD Gang Stories) PMC-72163
Mr. Capone-E (CD Vol#2 Ol' Skool Music) UMVD-00093
MTO (Enhanced CD Controversy) ARIES-43907
MTO (CD Controversy) PROFE-29534
Menace (CD Exposing Studio Gangsters) PMC-72139
Miss Lady Pinks (CD Torpedos) PMC-72145
Ms Krazie (CD Brown Is Beatiful) Urban-69911
Miss Lady Pinks (Enhanced CD Forbidden Love) PMC-72044
Miss Lady Pinks (CD Tell It Like It Is) PMC-72158
Nandez Los (CD Los Malandrines) NANDEZ-2949
Mexicanos (CD Al Grito De Guerra) ARIES-44444
Mexicanos (CD Mexicanos) ARIES-4412
Mexiclan (CD Mexiclanos Unidos) UMVD-3312
Neighborhood vida (CD Various Artists) BARRIO-6202
Neighborhood (Enhanced CD Legends 1 Various Artists) ARIES-44329
Neggro Azteca (CD Dyablo Presenta 8181) PROFE-7040
Nelly (CD Sweatsuit ) PROFE-75032
ODM (Enhanced CD Closer) ARIES-44335
Profeta (CD Instrumentales) PROFE-104166
Street Fuego (CD The Mixtape) CISC-40687